Grünwalder 2-K car paint - top coat
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The modern 2-component car paint from Grünwalder is a highly opaque and impact-resistant paint with a suitable hardener.
It is also very easy to paint and varnish using a brush, roller or spray gun.
Delivered in a SET (hardener & base varnish) - mixing ratio 5: 1 (component A: component B)
To the RAL COLOR overview
If If you want to thin the paint, you can >>>CLICK HERE <<< to order our special thinner 2K/400 from Farben Löwe.
If you need a painting set, you can >>>CLICK HERE<<< to order our Lion color painting set (X300). This was specially developed for the paints and varnishes from Farben Löwe.
You only need two thin coats of ready-to-use car paint. The surface should be roughened beforehand.
Processing temperature: from 10°C - Mixing ratio: 5:1 (component A: Component B) - Processing time: approx. 4-5 hours at 20°C - Can be painted over: after 4-6 hours - Can be filled: after 48 hours - Dust dry: after approx. 60 minutes - final hardness: approx. 5-7 days
- Consumption: approx. 7-8 m² / liter
- Mixing ratio: 5:1 (component A: component B)
The application of 2K or 2-component paint is explained very quickly and easily.
The name itself suggests that the finished paint consists of 2 different components. It is a so-called base varnish (varnish, paint, primer) and the matching hardener. To ensure problem-free processing of a 2-component paint, there are a few things to consider. The most important data about the paint is always included in the description of the paint. These are the following points:
- Which hardener belongs to the paint
- Mixing ratio
- Processing viscosity
- Dilution
- Pot life
- Processing time
- Processing type (application)
- Processing conditions
These points in detail:
- Which hardener belongs to the paint?
In the description of the paint (usually even on the paint can) the exact name of the hardener that matches the paint is always stated. Please never use another hardener.
- Mixing ratio
The two components, i.e. paint and hardener, are mixed together in a certain ratio immediately before processing. This ratio is also indicated in the description of the varnish or indicated on the can of varnish. Here is an example: Mixing ratio 5:1 (by volume/liter) means that you mix 5 parts varnish and 1 part hardener together.
- Processing viscosity
The viscosity is a measure of the viscosity. The higher the viscosity, the thicker (less flowable) the liquid is, the lower the viscosity, the thinner (more flowable) it is. Depending on the type of paint and type of processing (brushing, spraying, rolling, pouring, dipping), it may be necessary to change the viscosity, i.e. to add some thinner. As a rule, the addition of thinner is between 1% and 20%.
- Dilution
Just like with hardener, it is important to use the correct dilution. This is also stated in the description of the paint and usually on the paint can.
- Pot life
Pot life is the length of time that reactive materials can be processed, e.g.b Varnishes. It is the time between mixing a multi-component substance and the end of its processability, so to speak the time period in which the substance can still be "taken out of the pot" and processed. The end of the pot life is usually indicated by a significant increase in viscosity, which prevents further processing.
- Processing conditions
The processing and especially the drying of 2-component paints should not take place below 10°C. This information refers to the paint material, substrate and room temperature during processing and the subsequent drying and curing time of approx. 5-7 days Temperatures that are too low lead to drying and hardening problems because the necessary chemical reaction cannot take place. Even a short-term cooler temperature during curing can lead to problems.
The information provided is of an advisory nature; it is based on the best knowledge and careful investigations according to the current state of the art. Legal binding cannot be derived from this information. Therefore, please always pay attention to the technical data sheets and contact us if you have any questions about processing. (As of 02/2020)
Legal notice: According to the law, this paint may not be used to paint vehicles
You may only use water-based paint for vehicle painting

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Brauche ich eine Grundierung?
Unsere Farben und Lacke sind so konzipiert, dass man grundsätzlich keine Grundierung benötigt. Wir empfehlen jedoch, einen zusätzlichen Anstrich zu machen und diesen mit unserer Verdünnung zu verdünnen. Sollte der Untergrund jedoch schwierig sein und du auf Nummer sicher gehen willst, empfehlen wir unsere 2K-Grundierung, die für alle Untergründe perfekt geeignet ist. Denn eine Grundierung sorgt für einen besseren Halt.
Wo kann ich die RAL-Übersicht finden?
Kann ich den Lack auch sprühen?
Unsere Lacke eignen sich hervorragend für die Verwendung von Sprühpistolen. Um das beste Ergebnis zu erzielen, empfehlen wir, dem Lack 10% Verdünnung beizufügen. Und das Beste ist, dass du dieselbe Verdünnung auch für die Reinigung des Untergrunds verwenden kannst. So sparst du Zeit und Mühe!
Wie sieht eine ideale Untergrundvorbereitung aus?
Für eine optimale Lackierung ist eine gründliche Untergrundvorbereitung unerlässlich. Der erste Schritt dazu ist, den Untergrund von Staub und Schmutz zu befreien. Verwende dazu am besten einen Besen oder Wasser und vermeide seifenhaltige Reiniger, da diese den Lack später zum Aufplatzen bringen können. Wir empfehlen stattdessen, die Untergrundreinigung mit unserer Verdünnung durchzuführen, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu erzielen.
Was sind die Vorteile lackierter Böden gegenüber geölter Böden?
Lackierte Böden bieten eine strapazierfähigere und langlebigere Oberfläche, die besser gegen Kratzer und Flecken schützt. Zudem erfordern sie weniger Wartung und sind einfacher zu reinigen, da der Lack eine schützende Versiegelung bildet. Im Gegensatz dazu benötigen geölte Böden regelmäßiges Nachölen, um ihr Aussehen und ihre Schutzfunktion zu erhalten.

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